Industrious Family Films History Double Feature

Created by Industrious Family Films Merch



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Enjoy two historical shorts on one DVD with many bonus features. Total run time is approximately 110 minutes.

Included are several speech tracks and music from the movies.

Max & Carlota description: Maximilian (Michael Bowen) von Hapsburg’s idealistic world sees its dawn when he is asked by France to establish a monarchy in Mexico. His wife, Carlota (Faustina Bowen) encourages him to take the throne and free Mexico from both debt and tyranny.

After support from France is withdrawn and the liberal president is on the rise, Max and Carlota must fight separate battles to save their adopted land.

After pouring out the last of their strengths, the 19th century forgotten hero and heroine fall to their complete destruction only to be brought back to life all these years later by Anne Carroll and Industrious Family Films.

Pelayo description: In the year 722 A.D. Spain is suffering a Muslim conquest. These Moors come from Africa to set up a paradise on earth and the favorable climate of Spain is where they choose to build it.

But Pelayo and his small band of 300 men will do everything possible to win an impossible victory and save their Christian culture.

Industrious Family Films History Double Feature
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