Play direct from your smartphone – a ready to use prayer resource for school and families – use it at home, in the car, and in the classroom!
Time with Jesus is a collection of short five minute meditations that take children (and adults) on an adventure through 13 popular New Testament bible stories to meet Jesus and speak with Him. Meditations are brought to life by the use of different voices, sound effects and music making this an exciting and engaging prayer resource for families and teachers, helping children grow in their friendship with Jesus.
Have a read of this review from an editor from Catholic Mom and see the powerful effect TWJ had on her children: https://www.catholicmom.com/articles/listen-imagine-pray-a-review-of-beheld-medias-time-with-jesus
Try it yourself with your family with this free sample meditation: The Transfiguration Listen to a sample meditation.
This mp3 has 13 meditations that encourage children (and adults) to listen to scripture, use their imaginations and pray. TWJ helps children enjoy praying!
It’s a wonderful gift idea for families, children, Godchildren, nieces and nephews whether it is for their birthdays, Christmas, or when receiving their Sacraments!
This innovative and engaging way to pray makes TWJ a great resource for the classroom, with an activity sheet included to draw out each child’s prayer experience!
Message Beheldmedia Store
Hi I am Cate – an Aussie mum, wife, scripture teacher and Creator of Time with Jesus (TWJ). I am also the face behind Beheld Media, the vehicle which I’ve used to bring TWJ to life. I am passionate about helping children (and adults) develop a personal relationship with Jesus and growing in their love for Him. TWJ is a powerful resource that can be used in families and children’s ministries.
TWJ is the fruit of my own faith journey. My own relationship with God was transformed when, in 2003, I was introduced to a community of missionary women (Verbum Dei) whose vocation is to show people how they can meet Jesus personally and be changed by His love, through prayerful contemplation on the Word of God. I have continued to pray in this way and it is what sustains my daily walk with Jesus.
In 2015, then a wife, and mum to a five year old son, I started teaching Scripture in the local public school. I loved teaching the children all about the love that Jesus had for them. I would end each lesson by leading lead them in prayer, having them repeat the words of a prayer after me.
After some months I sensed that, while the children were certainly growing in their knowledge of God, what they really needed was to know God – to be given the space and freedom to encounter Jesus, alive and present to them here and now. I wondered then whether I might be able to lead them in praying with the Word of God, just as I had learnt to do, and which lead me to encounter Jesus personally. From then on I started to use a rudimentary form of prayer that you hear in the TWJ meditations.
The impact on the children was tangible – they became more engaged in the time of prayer; there was a stillness in the room as we prayed; when sharing with the class what had happened during their time with Jesus their faces lit up and they spoke with joy. When recollecting their time with Jesus it was evident that Jesus was now someone who they knew and loved, with comments such as:
“I rode on a donkey with Jesus!!”
“I really liked giving Jesus a big hug”
“I walked on the water towards Jesus!!”
And so TWJ was born… in a classroom full of seven year olds, most of whom had never been inside a church. They were telling me all about this person Jesus. And my heart was transformed again!!!
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