Immaculata Grace Rosaries and Gifts

Our family's prayer is to help bring people back to praying the rosary and closer to Our Lady and Our Lord thru family prayer.  All our rosaries and chaplets are designed and handmade by my daughter and me. Our family has been blessed by the daily rosary and pray yours is too. Our shop is small and our designs unique. All made with bamboo cord and knotted, our rosaries are sturdy and for all members of the family. This is a small shop with big dreams. We hope to help provide for our family financially thru this shop but also to teach our children a good work ethic and financial responsibility, all the while, making rosaries that people will use to pray and grow in their faith each day. We are proud of our designs and I am proud of my children as they slowly learn many lessons from being a part of our small shop. Our shop helps support our family whether for kid activities or family outings, our little shop is a small part of how our family meets financial goals. May God bless you and thank you for visiting!

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